Benefits of Varuna

Varuna is a medium-sized tree growing all over India, its bark is a renowned diuretic that helps to clear pain and stones from the bladder and kidneys.

Benefits of Varuna: Kidney and bladder stones, bladder problems, alopecia, indigestion, worms, abdominal distension, inflammed lymphatic nodes, constipation, dysuria, nephrosis, anorexia, inflammation, enuresis.

Action: Anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic.

Scientific name: Crataeva nurvala.

Useful part: Bark.

Dosage: 1–6g per day or 3–15ml.


Rasa (taste): Bitter, sweet, astringent

Vırya(energy): Heating

Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent

Guna (quality): Dry, light

Dosa effect: VK−, P+

Dhatu(tissue): Blood, fat, bone

Srotas (channel): Digestive, circulatory, urinary, excretory

Classical and common names

Ayurvedic:Varuna, Varana, Barnaa, Setu, Kumaarak, Tiktashaaka, Ashmarighna.

English: Three-leafed caper

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