Amalaki is a deciduous tree found through out tropical and subtropical India. ‘Amla’ literally means ‘sour’, Amalaki is also known by the name ‘dhatri’ meaning mother or nurse. Its fruit is a good rejuvenative for lungs, intestinal disorders, inflammation of the digestive tract and a good heart strengthening tonic.
Benefits of Amalaki: Anemia, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, colic, constipation, fever, heart diseases, insomnia, high blood pressure, jaundice, diabetes, duodenal and gastric ulcers, eye diseases, spleen weakness, TB, strengthens body, increases RBC, colon inflammation, strengthens teeth, repairs cells and tissues, improves eye sight, internal bleeding, hepatitis, bleeding gums, strengthens bones, worms, lung inflammation, gastritis, liver weakness.
Action: Aphrodisiac, astringent, hemostatic, laxative, nutritive tonic, refrigerant, rejuvenative.
Scientific name: Phyllanthus emblica.
Useful part: Fruit.
Dosage: 250mg–30g per day or fresh juice 1–15ml per day.
Rasa (taste): All but salty; primarily sour, bitter, astringent.Pungent and sweet are secondary
Vırya(energy): Cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Sweet
Guna (quality): Light, dry
Dosa effect :All dosas are reduced (tridosaghna) but primarily PVK+; increases ojas
Dhatu (tissue): All tissues areaffected, especially blood and muscles
Srotas (channel): Circulation, digestion and elimination
Description: It is a small to medium sized deciduous tree growing up to 18m in height with thin light grey, bark .Leaves are feathery, with small, oblong, pinnately arranged leaflets Flowers are greenish yellow in axillary fascicles, Fruits are globose, 1-5cm in diameter, fleshy, pale yellow.
Classical and common names
Ayurvedic: Aaamalaki, Aaamalaka,Dhaatri, Kaayasthaa, Amoghaa, Amritaphala, Amla, Aaamalaa,Dhaatriphala, Vayasyaa, Vrshya, Shiva, Hattha.
English: Emblic, Indian gooseberry.