Benefits of Arjuna

Arjuna is a huge tree growing up to 25 m. It loves riverbanks and lots of water. Arjuna means ‘white’ or ‘shining’, named after its bark which literally reflects light.

Benefits of Arjuna: Heart disease, reduces blood clot, bone health, cough, dysentery, fever, fractures, indigestion, anti-poison, cirrhosis of liver, anaemia, hypertension, ulcers, diabetes.

Action: Alterative, astringent, cardiac stimulant, febrfugal, hemostatic, lithotriptic, rejuvenative.

Scientific name: Terminalia arjuna

Useful part: Bark.

Dosage: 1–6 g per day (dried bark) or 3–15 ml per day


Rasa (taste): Astringent, bitter

Vırya(energy): Cooling

Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent

Guna (quality): Light, dry

Dosa effect Tridoshic, KP

Dhatu(tissue): Plasma, blood, bone, reproductive

Srotas (channel): Circulatory, reproductive

Description: It is a large evergreen tree growing up to 25 m with buttressed trunk and spreading crown with drooping branches. Bark is smooth, grey outside and flesh coloured inside,. Leaves are simple, sub-opposite, oblong or elliptic, pale dull green above, pale brown beneath. Flowers are white, the fruits are ovoid or oblong.

Classical and common names

Ayurvedic: Arjuna, Dhananjaya, Kaakubha, Kakubha, Aartagala, Indravriksha, Paartha, Virataru, Viravriksha

English: Arjuna Myrobalan

Preparation: Decotion, powder, juice.

Botanical classification

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Myrtales

Family: Combretaceae

Genus: Terminalia

Species: Terminalia arjuna

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