Sarpagandha is a perennial undershrub growing all over India and Srilanka. Sarpagandha means ‘smell of the snake’. It is a good remedy for high blood pressure and nervous disorders.
Benefits of Sarpagandha: Insomnia, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, insect stings, dysentery, hypochondria, fevers, nervous disorders, intestinal diseases.
Action: Bitter tonic, sedative, febrifuge.
Scientific name: Rauvolfia serpentina.
Useful part: Root.
Dosage: 250–750mg per day powder.
Rasa (taste): Bitter
Vırya(energy): Hot
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent
Guna (quality): Dry, light
Dosa effect: VPK-
Dhatu(tissue): Blood, nerve,reproductive
Srotas (channel): Nervous,circulatory, reproductive
Classical and common names
Ayurvedic: Sarpagandha of ancient ayurvedic text was not the sarpagandha of modern times. Sarpagandhaa was equated with Naakuli, Varshaasu Chhatrikaaraa and Sarpachhatrikaa.
English: Rauvolfia root, Serpentina Root, Indian Snakeroot.
Precautions: Not to be used in large doses.