Manjishta is a tall, perennial climber plant with long thin red roots and grows throughout the subcontinent of India and some countries of Asia. Manjistha literally means ‘bright red’, attesting to its red roots, indicating its ability to cure blood related diseases.
Benefits of Manjistha: Blood purification, blood circulation, broken bones, fights cancer, regulates liver, spleen and pancreas, kidney disease, diarrhea, dysentery, gall and kidney stones, heart disease, hepatitis, jaundice, paralysis, skin diseases, traumatic injuries, improves skin tone and voice, tumors, joint pain, bone disease, arthritis.
Action: Alterative, antitumor, emmenagogue, hemostatic, lithotriptic, astringent, diuretic.
Scientific name: Rubia cordifolia.
Useful part: Root.
Dosage: 0.5–10g per day dried or 3–12ml per day
Rasa (taste): Bitter, sweet, astringent
Vırya(energy): Cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent
Guna (quality): Heavy, dry
Dosa effect: PK−, V+
Dhatu(tissue): Plasma, blood, muscles, bone
Srotas (channel): Circulatory, reproductive, excretory, bone
Classical and common names
Ayurvedic: Manjishthaa, Vikasaa, Samangaa, Yojanavalli, Raktayashtikaa, Arunaa, Kaalameshika, Raktaangi, Gandira, Jingi.
English: Indian Madder.