Licorice plant is a perennial legume that has an intense network of underground creepers. It grows all over the world. It is an excellent herb for strengthening the kidneys and nourishing the nervous system. It is also a good anti-inflammatory herb.
Benefits of Licorice: Acidity, voice issues, kidney diseases, abdominal pain, heart tonic, asthma, nourishes nervous system, bronchitis, colds, cough, heart diseases, laryngitis, muscle spasm, sore throat, ulcers, improves complexion, hair and vision, cleanses lungs and stomach.
Action: Demulcent, rejuvenative, emetic, expectorant, sedative, tonic.
Scientific name: Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Useful part: Root.
Dosage: 0.5–10g per day dried or 3–12ml per day.
Rasa (taste): Sweet, bitter
Vırya(energy): Cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Sweet
Guna (quality): Heavy, moist
Dosa effect: VPK−, K+ in excess
Dhatu(tissue): All tissues
Srotas (channel): Digestive, respiratory, nervous, excretory, reproductive
Classical and common names
Ayurvedic: Yashtimadhu, Madhuyashtyaahvaa, Madhuli, Madhuyashtikaa, Atirasaa, Madhurasaa, Madhuka, Yastikaahva, Yashtyaahva, Yashti, Yashtika, Yashtimadhuka, Klitaka.
English: Licorice, Liquorice.