Dhataki is a large shrub found throughout India. It is found very beneficial in treating diarrhoea and dysentery.
Benefits of Dhataki: Dysentery, diarrhea, piles, liver disorders, headache, fever, ulcers, wounds, heart diseases, boosts immune system, arthritis, herpes, mucus membrane disorders.
Action: Action: Stimulant, astringent, tonic.
Scientific name: Woodfordia fruticosa.
Useful parts: Flowers, leaves.
Dosage: Powder 3-6 g.
Systems: Reproductive, excretory.
Classical and common names
Ayurvedic: Dhaataki, Dhaatri, Kunjaraa,Taamrapushpi, Bahupushpi, Vahnijwaalaa.
English: Fire-flame Bush, Shiranjitea.