Benefits of Bhumyamalaki

Bhumyamalaki is an annual plant growing in moist, shady places in most parts of India. The word Bhumyamalaki literally means ‘the amalaki of the earth’ as this low-lying shrub’s leaves resemble those of amalaki. Bhumyamalaki is a small herb growing up to 60 cm in height. It is a very bitter-tasting small shrub and the small fruits in this annual herb grow along the soil. It is commonly known by the name stone breaker. Bhumyamalaki is a good remedy for liver diseases and is also very beneficial for clearing gall and Kidney stones.

Benefits of Bhumyamalaki: Main herb for liver diseases; edema, dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, jaundice, indigestion, sores, skin diseases, improves immunity, helps in improving liver functions, colitis, useful in liver cirrhosis, cholesterol, urinary tract diseases, digestive tract disorders, hepatitis, tonsillitis, uvulitis, inflammations, helps in managing diabetes, menstrual disorders, kidney and gall stones.

Habitat: A perennial herb found in Central and Southern India, to Sri Lanka.

Action: Antiviral, hepatoprotective, cholagogue, diuretic, lithagogue, antitussive, haemostatic, alterative, immunoregulator.

Scientific name: Phyllanthus amarus/niruri (erroneously).

Useful part: Whole plant.

Dosage: 1–6g per day or 5–15ml.

Ayurvedic Action

Yakrduttejaka: Increases the strength of the liver.

Kasahara: Helps to stop coughing.

Kushthaghna: Destroys skin diseases.

Kanduhara: Helps in alleviating itching.


Rasa (taste): Bitter, astringent,sweet

Vırya(energy): Cooling

Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Sweet

Guna (quality): Dry, light

Dosa effect: PK−, V+

Dhatu(tissue): Plasma, blood, fat, reproductive

Srotas (channel): Digestive, reproductive, urinary

Description: It is a small annual plant growing in moist, shady places. The leaves are compound, oblong , the flowers are axillary and pale green in colour. The fruits grow along the underside of the leaves. Fruits are smooth, round capsules containing seeds.

Classical and common names

Ayurvedic: Bhuumyaamalaki, Bahupatri, Bhuudhaatri, Bahuphalaa, Taamalaki.

English: Stone breaker.

Safety: No drug–herb interactions are known.

Properties and Activity

The leaves contain lignans-phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin; niranthin, nirtetralin and phyltetralin. The whole plant gave a number of flavonoids, including astragalin, quercetin, quercitrin, rutin, kaempferol. Isolation of a hydrolysable tannins, amarulone, is reported from the plant.

The plant is reported to show antiviral activity against hepatitis B virus and related hepadna virus.

Preparation: Infusion, juice, poultice, powder.

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