Benefits of Devadaru

Devadaru is a large evergreen coniferous tree that thrives in the high altitude of the western Himalayas. It means ‘wood of the gods’. It is a good cure for diarrhea and neuralgic pain.

Benefits of Devadaru: Inflammation, antispasmodic, anti-poison, fevers, external injuries, paralysis, kidney stones, diarrhea, skin diseases, dysentery, indigestion, lung diseases.

Action: Leaves—mild turpentine properties, Wood—carminative; bark—astringent, febrifuge.

Scientific name: Cedrus deodara.

Useful parts: Leaves, bark.

Dosage: 0.5–5g or 1–10ml per day.


Rasa(taste): Bitter, pungent

Vırya(energy): Heating

Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent

Guna (quality): Light, unctuous

Dosa effect: VK−, P+

Dhatu(tissue): Plasma, blood,muscle, fat

Srotas (channel): Digestive, respiratory, circulatory

Classical and common names

Ayurvedic: Devadaaru, Suradruma,Suradaaru, Devakaashtha, Devadruma, Saptapatrika, Daaru, Bhadradaaru, Amarataru, Amaradaaru, Daaruka, Devaahvaa, Surataru, Surabhuruha.

English: Himalayan Cedar, Deodar.

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