Benefits of Pashana Bheda

Pashana bheda is a perennial herb found in the temperate Himalayas. It is a good herb for treating diseases related to urinary system.

Benefits of Pashana Bheda: Good herb for dissolving uric acid, urinary stones/gravel. Urinary stones, urinary tract infection, dissolving uric acid, cough, diarrhea, fever, tumors, scurvy, spastic colon, hepatitis, spleen enlargement, vertigo, strangury, headache, catarrh of bladder.

Habitat: Found in temperate the areas of the Himalayas.

Action: Astringent, demulcent, diuretic, lithotriptic.

Scientific name: Bergenia ligulata.

Useful part: Rhizome.

Dosage: 50-100 ml decotion.

Energetics: Astringent, sweet-cold-sweet PK-V+

Tissues: Plasma, fat, reproductive.

Systems: Reproductive, urinary.

Classical and common names

Ayurvedic: Paashaanabheda, Ashmaribhedikaa, Ashmaribhit, Ashmghna, Shilaabhit, Shilaabheda.

English: None.

Preparation: Decoction, powder, paste

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