Lemon grass is a perennial grass found throughout India. Its sanskrit name Bhutrna literally means ‘earthgrass’. It has long aromatic leaves. It is an aromatic diaphoretic that relaxes the peripheral circulatory system and is useful in fevers and also benefits the digestive and respiratory systems.
Benefits of Lemongrass: Bowel spasms, colic, joint pain, diarrhea, fever, gas, colds, arthritis, asthma, lung infection, intestinal mucus membrane tonic and stimulant.
Action: Carminative, diaphoretic, febrifuge, analgesic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue.
Scientific name: Cymbopogon citratus.
Useful part: Whole plant.
Dosage: 1–9g per day.
Rasa (taste): Pungent, bitter, sour
Vırya(energy): Cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent
Guna (quality): Light, dry, penetrating
Dosa effect: VPK−, V+ in excess
Dhatu (tissue): Plasma, blood,muscle, marrow
Srotas (channel): Sweat, urinary, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive
Classical and common names
Ayurvedic: Bhuutika, Bhuutikaa, Bhutrna
English: Lemongrass.